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Monday, December 3, 2012


The author writes the story trough Huck Finn and his diction is typical of the Southern speech of a young boy along that time and location.The diction is very informal.Its so easy and simple to understand.Humorous,it makes this book is different from other more formal ones.Much of the descriptions and imagery is humorous in this case.Twain as author also uses a lot of irony. He also pays close attention to the diction of the speech of the various people from the various locations down the river.The writing style in this story is not flowery or poetic,but simply the speech of a young boy.Here is the example of the authors writing
"Jim had plenty of corncob pipes and tobacco ;so we had a right down good sociable time,there were crawled out through the hole,and so home to bed,with hands that looked like they'd been cawed.Tom was in high spirits .He said it was the best fun he ever had in his life"
This passage is simple and easy to understand.Here ,Twain as author gives a sense of childish fun and an adventure.


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